Believe me, radical leftist’s leaving America en masse’ would be doing others a service too. I used a little French lingo there to give another hint of a place that liberals may want to migrate to.
I will answer these negative comments about America and the liberty we enjoy one by one, but for my readers, I will correct the many spelling errors. Here is the entire comment, as posted.
“So this great liberty you speak of is that of being controled by the all mighty dollar, having the media tell you what to think, loosing all of your personal freedoms, fighting a war for more money, a class system that continues to separate further the upper and lower classes, education that is too expensive for anyone but the highest and lowest classes, poverty just like any other nation, states being not so slowly taken over by gang violence, kids drugged up by pharmesutical companies shooting up your schools, and an economy that forces two parents into the workfoce to keep what the media tells you is the proper standard of liveng while the children are braught up by strangers. Ya that sounds like perfect liberty. Don't let netionalism blind you to the fact that the US is far from perfect and actually moving away from the liberty it's forefathers faught so hard for everyday. Have a great time when all your natural resources are used up and your nation does not have the money to purchase it from those nations that take care of their own. Liberty is nice but it is nicer when it is true and real and not a figment of the nationalistic imagination.”
NS = Negative Statement about America
MA = My Answer to these negative statements
NS 1. So this great liberty you speak of is that of being controlled by the almighty dollar?
MA Yes liberty is great, and it is not controlled by the almighty dollar. Ask any American, who lived through the great depression of the 1930’s the same question. They were for the most part, out of work, hungry and penniless. Ask them if they were ‘libertyless’ in those hard years. Of course they had liberty; liberty is not in any way connected to what is in your bank account.
NS 2. So this great liberty you speak of is having the media tell you what to think?
MA For the 2004 election the media gave us a nonstop “Bush is dumb, war is bad, conservatives are the devil incarnate” front page attention. George Soros and his communist buddies spent hundreds of millions, trying to tell us all what to think. It didn’t work very well, and liberty is still safe in the hands of the voters, not the media. But yes, the media does have the right to tell us what they want us to think, but I still have the liberty to get my news from the internet, blogs, and other reliable sources.
NS 3. So this great liberty you speak of is losing all of your personal freedoms?
MA Liberty insures my personal freedoms. You must live in a paranoid liberal delusional state of mind, to think that we are losing our personal freedoms. No doubt some of America’s most precious freedoms are under assault. Gun ownership, gun possession, and the freedom of speech are being attacked by the left wing fanatics almost daily. Because I live in America, I have the liberty to fight such assaults upon my own liberties. Neat how that works, isn’t it?
NS 4. So this great liberty you speak of is fighting a war for more money?
MA To this I have to say. The war my great country is presently fighting is an expensive war. So there is no way you can say we are fighting for more money. And if you bring up the asinine statement that we are fighting this war for oil, Are you blind? Have you been to the gas pumps lately? No, we’re not fighting this war for oil….if that was really true; we’d have fifty cent a gallon gasoline by now, with the way our brave soldiers are fighting. But this war is very expensive, both in blood spilled by our best young people, and expensive to the families who lose loved ones. It is also very expensive to the taxpayers. I for one am not complaining about the cost of procuring liberty for the Afghanistan and Iraqi people. One priceless picture in my mind that no liberal spin will change is this………Smiling Iraqi’s lifting an index finger stained with purple dye, to show that they had voted. It cost a lot, yes, but to me it was and will be worth it.
NS 5. So this great liberty you speak of is a class system that continues to separate further the upper and lower classes?
MA There is not anything separating anyone in America, except ambition and desire. Just look at the penniless families arriving from Asia, whose children excel in our schools, and end up getting the best paying jobs, because they learn to do them. Look at them and tell me there is a class system. The one big example in the world of a class system, is the one still in place in India. And the only way the Indian subclass can raise themselves to a higher class, is to migrate to America. They are doing it right before your jaundiced eyes. Being born an American puts you in no class other than that of the living and breathing. You have the liberty to go to free schools, and excel. The only thing separating people in America, is this difference; people having the desire to achieve, and those who are content to sit in front of a TV or Gameboy.
NS 6. So this great liberty you speak of is education that is too expensive for anyone but the highest and lowest classes?
MA This is laughable. First of all who is it always speaking of classes…..those like you, the malcontents amongst us. There are Pell Grants, Government Student Loans, Scholarship programs by organizations, and cheap community colleges. You can even get an education online now, for a very small sum of money. All you have to add is hard work and study. There is no one in America that is being denied the chance to learn. My crystal ball tells me you are a dropout from college, who enjoyed partying when you should have been studying. Especially when there was spelling lessons.
NS 7. So this great liberty you speak of is poverty just like any other nation?
MA You probably have never visited the home of a poor person in America. I have. Our poor are not ‘like any other nation's poor.’ You are middle class, and have no idea of what the poor have in America. The poor are always with us, and while a war on poverty is a noble idea, it will never work. It sure is tough being poor in America isn’t it?
Only one big screen color TV, instead of the two the average home has. Cupboards full of Food that other Americans paid for in taxes or charitable gifts. Heat in the winter, and yes air conditioning. You can live in an almost rent free apartment. There are programs that provides health services, all paid for by others. Soap is cheap in America, toilet paper is cheap…it is hell being poor isn’t it?
NS 8. So this great liberty you speak of is, states being not so slowly taken over by gang violence?
MA I live in a middle class neighborhood, and we do all right dealing with any gang that attempts to prey on our neighborhood.. The poorest of our neighborhoods have a gang problem. The problem started long long ago, when no one would let the police do the policing that needed to be done. When people stop crying POLICE BRUTALITY anytime a neighborhood drug dealer is handcuffed a little too tightly, we may be on our way to fighting the gang problem. The gang problem is not something caused by liberty, it is something that is hard to eradicate because of personal liberties. There are ways, but the ACLU wouldn’t like them.
NS 9. So this great liberty you speak of is, kids drugged up by pharmaceutical companies shooting up your schools?
MA In America you have the liberty to be a good parent or a bad parent. The instances you indirectly refer to may never have happened if parents had demanded the liberty to continue administering spanking to the minor children at home, or for the schools to continue the practice of using corporal punishmen.
NS 10. So this great liberty you speak of is one that forces two parents into the workforce to keep what the media tells you is the proper standard of living while the children are brought up by strangers?
MA You seem possessed by what the media tells you. I am not looking to the media for child raising tips. Show me a media idol with emotionally stable children. They are the ones letting strangers bring up their children. You have the liberty in America to live a happy life without the guidance of Madison Avenue or the networks. I know of countless happy families with only one parent working. I know of many and have noticed that they are doing quite well; the whole family is happy, well fed, and comfortable. A roof that keeps the rain off of you…….is doing exactly what the rich man’s roof is doing. It is not necessary for both parents to work for the families physical needs. Every family in America has the liberty to have one parent working for the physical needs of the family, and the other parent attending to the spiritual and emotional needs of the family. It is a time honored way of raising healthy and wise children. Liberty does not make you want to have the latest and biggest television screen, but it allows you to obtain what you think is best. In America, you have the liberty to be selfish, covetous or even a bad parent.
NS 11. Ya that sounds like perfect liberty.
MA I have never said liberty as practiced in America is perfect. I said liberty is a yearning that God gave all humans. No one yearns to be a slave, poor, or hungry. The countries that have the most liberties invested with the citizens, are the ones with fewer miserable people. Nothing is perfect on this side of eternity, but liberty is the one thing that makes today, enjoyable, and the future, hopeful. You and I both are at liberty to obey God. If you choose not to obey God, your liberty will bring you an eternity of torment. If that happens, was it the liberty God gave you that doomed you? Or, was it what you did with your liberty?
This is not a trick question or for that matter a hard question to answer.
NS 12. Don't let netionalism blind you to the fact that the US is far from perfect and actually moving away from the liberty it's forefather’s faught so hard for everyday.
Oops, forgot to correct the spelling, but you get the message this commenter wanted to portray.
MA Blind I am not, Liberty I love, and your concern about the moving away from the liberty my forefather’s fought for proves this. You actually love liberty, and wish you had more. So what’s the beef? Nationalism is not a dirty word either. I am proud to be an American, and I love my liberty. I pay my respects to all those that made it possible to live like I do in America.
And about those forefathers, those men and women, yes there were many women who helped secure liberty for my country; they came from every country upon this earth, some from every religion, some of every skin color, and of both sexes to America. America isn’t perfect, but I’ll take it over any other place you name.
NS 13. Have a great time when all your natural resources are used up and your nation does not have the money to purchase it from those nations that take care of their own.
MA And now you expose yourself to everyone. You are an environmentalist. Great, I am one also, but one who isn’t blind. No country has worked any harder then America in learning how to use God’s creation in a responsible way. There are many such concerned nations, and for that I am glad. America is not using up our natural resources, we are using them. Your contrived panic is laughable. You tell me of a nation that takes nothing from nature, there are none. Haiti, Cuba, Russia, France, Portugal, in fact every country in the world uses natural resources. American’s use a greater amount per capita, yes, but we also use it to fill up the diesel tanks of the huge combines that harvest the wheat we all but give away to other countries. Yes America helps feed those that have scorched and slashed their own land so much, that they can’t grow squat. It also takes a lot of fuel to propel the boats full of grain to the starving nations of our world. The satellites we send into space to help the world communicate, cost a lot and take a lot of resources. Our citizens give to international relief organizations, food banks and world banks, and our own personal giving, is unequalled in the world. The small (less than 40 members) church that I have the liberty to attend anytime I want, gave over $10,000 to feed the hungry in Africa last year. We meet in a small building, not much to look at inside or outside, and worship the God that gives to all the desire for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No other country does as much. Don’t attack me for loving my country, which you obviously don’t.
You finish up your diatribe with this little statement which contains an outright LIE, America’s liberties are not a figment of the nationalistic imagination.
NS 14 Liberty is nice but it is nicer when it is true and real and not a figment of the nationalistic imagination.
MA How miserable you must be to have to resort to attacking liberty, even while you enjoy it. Would you rather be a slave? So you don’t like your own country………….MOVE DAMN IT…I’LL HELP WITH THE MOVING EXPENSES.