Friday, July 17, 2009
THE MOTHER of all Poker games.......
Friday, July 10, 2009
Random thoughts about libs and commies

Want to befuddle your favorite liberal? That won’t be hard, since Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Ask your liberal acquaintance if the cologne or perfume they wear was tested on animals.

They will get all uppity and say….NO….

Ask them..OK, how did they test it?

“Well they tested it on humans” they most likely will say.

Dah, so there is a difference between animals and humans?

That’s right humans were given dominion over animals by God who created all things, human and animal. With a clear conscience I can enjoy eating them to sustain my life.

Another question for your liberal friend.

Are you concerned about endangered species?

The mentally damaged liberal will get all huffy and say….YES….!

Ask them why they would want to stand in the way of evolution.

If you stop and examine the claptrap a liberal spews, you will see blatant discrepancies. Most of the views they have are based solely on feelings not fact.

It’s all right to feel good about something even if it is wrong is the moral code they live by.

Like Dr. Michael Savage says “Liberalism is a mental disorder”.

Saturday, July 04, 2009
No celebration this year
I didn't buy fireworks this year. Not because of the recession, it is, well...It is impossible to celebrate the birth of a nation when it is obvious it won't be around much longer. My beloved country is being sold out and betrayed by leftists who could never create a nation to rival the one they are so bent on destroying.

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