SOME OF YOU DO, THIS IS ONE PART OF A NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC COVER PHOTO....that has been used over and over and then some more on the internet, magazines, newspapers, television and video.......of a beautiful green eyed woman of Afghanistan. It appeared on the cover of NGS while the Soviet Union vs Afghan Peasants War was still a fight. It was a fight that the Soviet Union (First into outer space)let mothers and fathers spill the precious blood of their sons.....fighting over, fighting over what. Poppy fields..........you see the Soviets knew the USofA was a drug addicted democracy on the verge of collapse. You can listen to the lies of many, that would say I'm stupid. But me thinks not. So, how come I'm blogging about this? Here's Why......the drug addicts of Wall Street, back alleys and government buildings of the USofA....have this fine young mans blood on their hands.
There are a few journalists who have touched upon the easy parts of this problem, but it is so complex because you don't have a clue as to if your pastor, teacher, banker, congressman, mother, daughter, son, uncle, neighbor or the president of your nation is a DRUG ADDICT.
AND, you are afraid to look into the matter, for fear that someone you love has the blood of slaughtered Afghanistans, Mexicans or Columbians on their hands.
I am blogging again, with a passion. I hate the thought of fine young soldiers dying for your love of opium, marijuana or cocaine.
This is going to be my research project, and who knows I may find things that endanger me..........I'm serious about this, your drug problem is killing people all over this planet, and the billions wasted on drugs in the USofA, and the cost of fighting one war after another for the free flow of drugs, and the cost of protecting the few remaining citizens not addicted to drugs, and policing our borders, and burying the murdered........yes that cost is many times more than the national debt. I don't need government figures, it is obvious to anyone who is not afraid of the truth.
Facebook is not the place for my account of this endeavor, so I'm back at Sanity's Bluff...........stay tuned.

How do you expect to survive the upheavals coming? Could you discern the difference between your seedlings of squash, or a morning glory vine? Are you afraid of bee’s, wasps or the whole insect realm? Do you cringe at even the thought of dirt beneath your fingernails? Web is WIDE AWAKE, and is preparing for the upheaval. If you spend more time having your fingernails or toenails sanded and painted than you spend preparing for the upheaval……….Please don’t knock on my door, or try to lift something from our garden when the upheaval comes. Web is a generous soul, has helped keep many people alive by charitable giving. BUT, will never feel charitable to the slugs all around, who haven’t a clue and don’t want to get one…….THIS IS THE INTRODUCTION TO A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR THE GOOD PEOPLE WHO WILL BE CAUGHT UP IN THE UPHEAVAL WITH NEEDS, TALENTS AND DESIRE TO SURVIVE WITHOUT EVER PICKING UP A WEAPON, EXCEPT IN DEFENSE OF LOVED ONES. Property can be replaced, loved ones cannot.


THE FFF. (fondled felt and frisked) is now relaxing one of its long standing regulations. YEAH…yeah. You still must step into the long line of optouts. BUT NOW YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LIGHT UP A SMOKE AFTER BEING FELT, FONDLED AND FRISKED. JOE CAMEL FINALLY GETS REVENGE, AND WILL BE THERE OFFERING SMOKES TO ANYONE IN THE LONG WAITING LINES FOR THE GOVERNMENT…PAT DOWN and FEEL UP.
© webloafer 2010

If this young man was someone you loved; stick with me here;do you think you could
find even a brief mention of his bravery and commitment to keeping the USofA safe and free...ahh..in your tree killing paper throw newspaper...(HA, lol, rotfl)somewhere in your yard? Web couldn't diagram that sentence correctly if his life depended on it. Friends, Neighbors, Relatives and blog followers your life in the USofA is going to change......'nuf said.