Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I was liberal, when liberalism wasn't cool.
09/24/2007 The day Adolph Jr. of Iran met a real LIBERAL.
Thank God there are still some real liberals alive.
This YouTube video is of a speech by a real liberal….View this. then scroll down a little and read my take on the wannabee hitler’s visits to NYC in my USofA. Don't you realize that, Iran's wannabee hitler never expected that a real liberal would introduce him to media, students and bloggers of America in this unflattering way. He was so used to the TV sluts who visit Iran to lick his jackboots, and then present him to their dwindling audiences....as a 'misunderstood world leader'. The same TV news sluts, ridicule, lie and fake articles about our president who is trying to protect us from tryants like...Mockmood. I am proud of this liberal who introduced hitler jr. just like he is, not how he wants to be seen.

Look, I am qualified to talk about real liberalism, because I was LIBERAL, when liberalism wasn’t cool.


My thoughts about this World Event.


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