Sunday, May 14, 2006
Presidents have Mothers
The greatest president of the United States, with his Father and Mother and older brother. You'll see this magnificent woman and her son, in the next to the last picture below. WOW
Anyone who names her first son William Jefferson, has my respect. I wonder if Bill respected his mother? She left us too soon, she had much to say I'm sure, but the family doctor was a quack, and proved it upon becoming Surgeon General of the United States of America.
I really like this photo, it talks to me. Which person in this photo would you say is or was the most successful?

One of our nations many great and gracious first ladies........I stand by that statement.........Barbara, we love you.
Wife to a President, and mother to a president, a great president, and after Hillary the other type of first lady, gets defeated by Jeb in 2012, Barbara will be the mother of two presidents.
Whew, I can't remember any other presidential candidate who had a family that knew more than the candidate. The only woman close to this presidential candidate that day who was smiling, was his wife. Wifes of presidential wanttabee's are required to smile. So Roselyn, had to smile on stage with their candidate husband, but no one else seems to be happy or smiling. The daughter of this presidential candidate knew that her Dad was not presidential material (you can see that written on her face in this picture). Yes, his daughter knew it.....but look at the Peanut boy's mother, (scowling woman, far left) she definetely knew Jim was not tailored from presidential cloth. Pictures and articles about Jimmy the Coward's mother are rare.......Democrats seem to have no mothers after they get elected. The old boys club in action.

This photo reeks of love....pure love, Mother and Son love. Can you see the love and respect in this photo? WOW.

A vice-president, later elected president, his mother, and one of my personal role models.

This is a Mothers Day Tribute
To the Mothers of our Presidents.

This was not easy research, it took a lot of effort to find articles or pictures of the Mother of President Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. We all know who Barbara Bush is, and there are thousands of pictures and articles in cyberspace about her. There are hundreds of beautiful tributes and pictures of Ronald Reagan’s Mother. I want to share some of these special Mother Day’s Pictures.

There is no political bias here, I honestly set about searching for information, articles and pictures of the Mothers of President’s I have lived in America with……I remember every president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush, so I had a lot of research to do. I devoted an equal amount of time to each president, in the search for information about their Mother.
It is my contention that the Mothers of all of our great presidents have had a lot more to do with America's greatness, than the pointy headed historians give credit. After all, most (not all) historians are bitter old men, who don’t realize the role that the mother of a great man has had in molding the children of America. I know what I’m talking about……
Historians are bias, prejudiced writers, and they have seemed to have neglected to tell of the Mothers of Great Men……and women. It is not surprising that the Ivy League Universities don’t celebrate Mothers on any day, not even Mothers Day. It took over 200 years for the eastcoast bastions of education to even allow women to attend their Universities, without harassment or ridicule. The East Coast Liberals were finally forced to let women attend school, but the scholars there still refuse to include the great women of America’s history in their scholarly history books, and so there are now what we call….
’Women’s Studies’.
If the liberal professors would have been real historians, there would be no need for Women’s Studies or for that matter, ‘Black Studies’.

No, there would be no need for black studies, or women’s studies if the ECE,(east coast educators) were not so Liberal and Prejudiced as to ignore any history except White Male History.
Liberals, (face the facts, I know what I’m talking about) make it necessary to have other studies........(they only care about Karl Marx, and his boyfriends). Maybe someday there will be ‘redneck studies’ at an Ivy League Schools?

Above you will see what I consider to be the best of the best of the Mother of Presidents Pictures I found in my 3 hour search……

My favorite?

THE Last of the seven pictures, for several reasons. Along with George H. Bush and his mother you find pictured none other than Au-h2o.

Barry Goldwater is one of my favorite 'almost presidents'. Almost presidents? That is another study subject that would be fascinating. Hubert Humphrey, Barry Goldwater, Al Gore and John Kerry, In what order would you rate those 4 'almost presidents'? It would be a real battle between Gore and Kerry for the honors of last place.

This study is not completed, but it will be finished soon. You must admit, we’re off to a good start…….this is a fascinating study. You are encouraged to search cyberspace to prove me wrong…….there is not much information about Bill or Jimmy’s mothers, yet I know they both loved their sons. Bill’s mother did not live very long after he was sworn in, and was very ill on that day.



Blogger web_loafer said...

On my way........jose.....whoops.....wrong snytax.....

On my way.....John Wayne.....there, that's better.

Where is John Wayne when America needs him..............?

Blogger web_loafer said...

So shook up I can't even spell syntax. Syn....syntax....kind of, you guessed it.....SIN TAX.

Got it right this time......hey....lemon, left a comment at your site, you do have a good blog there, and, if you have a large allotment of bandwidth....I'll comment there. For some strange reason, webloafer spends more time in the comment section of Sanity's Bluff, and other blogs, like yours, than he spends writing articles. Really enjoy your blog. We all know where to go when the world puts us in the visegrips of reality...we all go to the Bluff. All of the other friends of the Bluff?
We all go there, to the edge, the bluff.......but it is best to go there with a friend who will try to talk you out of.....trying to jump to the top of the bluff.

friend A. Lemon's's a good 'en.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You? A historian?
That would be like a truck driver, not being a pasty skinned jerk. You can't help it, you have no brains to do real work, and may I recommend that you shut up and drive.

Blogger web_loafer said...

pman, I am not a historian, I love history, especially the history of my country. I use the internet to research history. Anyone can use search engines and the web to find a wealth of information. I'm still working on this Mothers Day Tribute to the Mothers of Presidents. Stay tuned, or go research the subject yourself.

Blogger Gunny John said...

I like the pic of Carter. His Mom's looking at him like "What in the hell are you talking about?"

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't argue with any of your quips; But webloafer; there have been many great Democrat presidents with great mothers. Harry Truman had a mother he adored. Woodrow Wilson did too. On the reverse side of your equation and thoughts,

Ike's mother is a mother of a president that you won't find much information about. I don't think Dwight D. Eisenhower a Republican loved his mother. That is how I read history.

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