The hordes of illegal invaders and their leftist supporters are now rioting in my city.
Thank you, Jimmy Z. Carter, George H. Bush, William J. Clinton and George W. Bush!
You opened the gates, gave the invaders food, money, and use of our hospitals, schools and taxpayer paid for roads, now they are rioting in our streets. And I know you don’t have the backbone to stand up and say….”Go Home, to your home and apply for admittance.”
Remember the French Revolution?????? The lifted pikes were impaled with the severed heads of the politicians....royalty and illegal invaders.
Our government today is as unresponsive to it's citizens, (the legal ones) as the French Aristocracy was to the peasants (taxpayers) of
You idiots....(me included)....why would you let such a perverted bunch of clowns have any of your hard earned money? They sit on their thrones of luxury, living large on the citizen’s nickel, in the town which does nothing but take from the taxpayers. Yes, I’m talking about
Idiots all, but even idiots can learn.
Let them eat cake, right?
I cannot badmouth my CIC. However, I don't think that I need to. Rational adults everywhere see exactly what's going on.
Don`t get me started !
I agree... get out the pikes...
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