To the person who can tell us all what this picture is about; (it is a real picture that accompanied a newspaper article), I will rent space on Sanity’s Bluff for the following week at the reduced price of 10 credits. I have been renting my rentablog space for 99 credits a week…but if you can tell us all what this picture is all about, with the details, I will let you rent Sanity’s Bluff at the very reduced price of 10 blogbucks, AND I’LL DEVOTE TOP PAGE SPACE TO BLABBIN’ ABOUT YOUR BLOG.
All of this is entirely within the rules of BE, I can choose who to rent to….
Yes, when someone comes up with the correct answer, at the very next rental offer date, I’ll offer my blog space for 10 credits, but WILL PICK THE ONE WHO ANSWERS CORRECTLY. Yes this should be fun….unless eminent domain has reached into cyberspace…Now there is a blog topic….the upcoming eminent domain battle on the web.
I can't think of the womans name, but I know she was from the Bible Belt, down south, She left two or three of her kids in the car, then pushed it into the water, and the kids drowned.
nice site. thnx 4 renting my blog. i'll do an article on ur blog sometime soon. in the meantime, plesase link 2 mr, and i'll link back 2
If laizzafar is correct, the woman would be Susan Smith. Don't know if this is her car but I'll throw it in the hat!
I remember that gruesome story, but this photo was famous for another reason.
Hmnnn... I wish I know. Happy New Year!
If I was a bettin' man, I would put my money on Snoop...
Happy New Year!
Doesn't have nothing to do with fat butt named Ted does it???
I recognize that photo.
It is the Oldsmobile that Howard Dean drove into the West Branch Farminton River at Riverton, Connecticut, as a student driver.
For some unknown reason while at the wheel of the drivers education automobile, Howard swerved radically to the left near a bridge over the river, and the Oldsmobile ended up in 7 feet of water. Howard swam to saftey, upstream to a small boat dock 10 miles away, but the teacher and two other students who were in the back seat drowned while Howard was swimming the 10 miles to a telephone. Neighbors said they would have called for help if only Howard had asked them instead of swimming upstream.
My first guess is that it's Ted Kennedy's car being pulled out of Chappaquidick???
hahaha to Humblebea! lol
GreatBlogs OfFire
The second comment in this stream is of great importance, but Jay left a link that doesn't work....I have repaired the link, and here it is....
Check it Out
Jay rented me a little space in the basement of his blog....and I have found it to be a good place to relax and think....but he forgot to tell me he is a tuba quartet that practices 10 hours a day.....If anyone needs a good Tuba Quartet, please contact Jay, and give the Tuba Quartet a job, so my eardrums will quit vibrating, 24/7.
You just never know what you are renting, until you move in.
Here is the link to Jays Top Drawer Blog.
I'm going insane trying to figure this one out. Obviously you are saying it has something to do with Jay's blog, and I've done the advanced search on his site for all possible combinations of the word "car" and "water, lake, river, pond, etc". I've skimmed all his archives, viewed his profile, clicked all the most recent links, and I believe was even reffered to as a "nimrod robot" *grin*.
On google, image searches of "old car water", "car water" "car river", and so on and so forth have proved fruitless.
Gonna keep trying though...
I am guessing ChappaQuiddick where Ted Kennedy allowed a woman to drown in his car.
i don't know for sure, but the word chappaquiddick keeps coming to my mind when i see that picture. maybe that has something do do with it, but the picture isn't in any of the news articles i looked for. yet that has to be it.
The image is the car MARY JO KOPECHNE died in being pulled from the water at chappaquiddick. (July 18-19, 1969)
Way to go Snoop.....
Snoop was the first to correctly pin this one down. Thanks everyone. Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year.
I don't go to the SnoopZone to look for the Deep Thought of the Day, or
Daily Devotionals, I go there to read the rants of the snoopmeister. It is a very addictive site.
Yes chappaquiddick is the correct answer.
Teddy left Mary Jo in the car to drown. This is the car being pulled out of the shallow water.
Snoop, do you take part in Blog Explosion Rent My Blog? Couldn't find the little ad on your site. If not and you don't wish to start the program up, let me know. Either way let me know.
If you pass on the rental, the next correct answer would be jmb. It also appears that jmb doesn't take part in Blog Explosion Rent my Blog, so it may happen that AubreyJ. is the first person with the correct answer that uses the rent my blog program.
It probably would have been better to offer a real prize, since not all of the visitors here are blog explosion nuts.
Hmmm..will be keeping all of this in mind, and plan to have a few more contests in the future.
Gah! I would have never guessed that :( Thanks for the great challenge though! (And thank you again for placing such wonderful comments at my blog - you have made my day!). Hope you have a great 2006!
(Just voted for you in Battle of the Blogs ;) )
A day late and a dollar short :( as always :(
Good contest web loafer!
Thanks Beth,
In the spirit of Ted the Beached Whale Kennedy who daily wonders....
(What would John Do??)
John being his older brother, AND one of our nations finest Presidents,,,,
I have a contest in mind, and the prize will be....
A National Geographic Magazine from the early 70's....
Just a few years after NASCAR Reject Teddio Kennedy missed the bridge on his Scotch Run......
Well I have a pristine and authentic copy of the magazine with the plastic record page....
National Geographic Magizine inserted a plastic page of music.
I offer for a prize for the correct solving of our next puzzle..
A NGS Mag with the original record sheet (to be played at 45 rpm) of whale songs.
If you haven't heard this record, you have missed out.
Whale...Whales....big....Ted....overweight....whale....big whale....big one...oh yeah...Ted....Whales....beached whales....liars and crooks, paid off judges, and no one to answer too, ....we've paid off all of the judges, so zip it.
and be secretive.....Who really knows how many whales exist, or how many times whales have blissful sex...
But, you can win a magazine with a sound sheet in mint shape.
Do you have a clue as to what a 45 rpm record is????????
Whats a record? What is a rpm???
Whats a whale???
Love you all, can't wait to lay the next contest on you.
LOL web loafer. That's pretty cool. But you shouldn't let go of your pristine copy of the magazine! lol
You are too bad!
Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit
(Irish for Have a Prosperous New Year)
~~ I need to copy and paste that, I've typed it so many times today! lol
Sanity Bluff Readers. THANK YOU
This was my first attempt to use a contest to create more traffic at this blog.
Blog Exchanges work, but I am seeking better results for the time I spend bloggin, yes, better than Blog Exchanges.
I figured a web contest would help create real web traffic.
My first attempt at web contests was a dismal failure.
It is not a failure because of the great participants in this first contest, (THAT WOULD BE YOU, YES YOU) it is all my fault. I
t was a failure because there was no real prize. A contest with no real prize.
Dah, where was my mind? Well, failure is the mother of invention, and the failure of this contest got my creative juices flowing and the results are forthcoming.
I figure that web contests not only will create more traffic, it actually gives me an opportunity to include my political views into the contests.
A question can spark more thought than any speech, and with this in mind, I move on, knowing the first contest was a failure, but just you wait, I am not a Mind Numbed Liberal KoolAid drinker. I use my grey matter. Using the grey matter God gave you,is the only way to prevent Memory loss in old age.
So forward we go, I hope you win the great prize offered up for Contest #2. And it would sure be appreciatied by me if you mention in your blog, WebLoafer's Web Contests, and leave a link to my blog.
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