Thursday, November 10, 2005
Socialism Sucks
The world has been shown two recent examples of the complete failure of socialism. New Orleans, before and soon after Katrina, and now the riots that the socialists of France have brought upon themselves. Oh, I imagine the French Press is already busy with spin, blaming everyone and everything but the real reason for the riots. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that it is all President Bush’s fault. Mark my words, our liberal MSM, in America, will soon be blaming the President for the riots.

This article from the New York Sun, puts the whole situation into focus, without the liberal spin….you see….the liberals have a lot at risk here, France is a Socialist Country, that the Liberals of the world (for example, John Kerry) love to tout as superior. Too bad France didn’t have a slow poke Texan in office, who when he saw how the liberals (socialists) were unable to handle the emergency at the local lever, pushed the incompetents aside, and solved the problem. You know what I’m talking about.

France Facing 'Horrendous' Balance Sheet
BY MICHEL GURFINKIEL - Special to the Sun, November 8, 2005

PARIS - A curfew was set up yesterday at Le Raincy, a neighborhood in the eastern suburbs of Paris. The order was issued by the local conservative mayor, Eric Raoult. The prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, made clear on television that similar measures might soon be enforced on a broader scale. "Restoring public safety is our top priority," he said. After 11 days and nights of rioting, the country was coming close to a civil war.
A map published in the afternoon by Le Monde showed that ethnic violence - the "French Intifada," as it is being referred to by some journalists and political leaders - had spread almost all over the country, with the exception of Inner Brittany, western Normandy, and Burgundy, where North African and black communities are small, and Corsica, where a large North African community is held in check by a local nationalist movement that itself is prone to violence. Most major cities, including Lyons, Marseille, Lille, Toulouse, and Bordeaux, have been hit.
Rioting and guerrilla-style street fighting were still rampant in the northern Parisian county of Seine-Saint-Denis - colloquially known as 9-3, after its postal code - where the whole thing started on October 27. The five other Parisian counties were hurt as well. The inner city itself, the ultra-chic City of Paris, was subjected to several ethnic raids over the weekend.
In terms of destruction and casualties, the balance sheet is horrendous. Between Sunday and Monday night, no fewer than 1,408 cars, including buses and trucks, were torched throughout the country. Schools, colleges, sports facilities, factories, shopping arcades, and even two churches - one in Lens, in the north, and one in Sete, on the Mediterranean - were burned. A local resident who attempted to stop a fire was beaten to death in Stains. Elsewhere, a disabled woman narrowly escaped being burned alive in a torched bus. Dozens of firefighters were wounded.
The first question one must ask is why the French government, admittedly one of the strongest and most centralized in the world, and certainly in Europe, did not consider imposing some measure of martial law in the violence-ridden areas much earlier.
There are many constitutional and legal provisions that would have allowed such steps. According to Article 16 of the 1958 constitution, the French president can resort to "exceptional powers" in case of a "major crisis": All he has to do is to consult with the prime minister, the chairpersons of both houses of Parliament, and the president of the Constitutional Council, who all four happen to be loyal followers.
According to Article 36, martial law can be decreed for a period of 12 days, and then confirmed by Parliament for extended 12-day periods, if necessary. The present Parliament is conservative-dominated. As for regular curfews, they can be decreed by the Cabinet without further review under a 1955 law. Moreover, it is an open secret that the for about 15 years French defense forces had made at least contingency plans for "urban battles" similar to what is happening now.
One reason for the government's procrastination has been that in a crisis scenario, much depends on the president, Jacques Chirac, and he suffered a minor stroke several weeks ago. Another reason is that both Mr. Chirac and his heir apparent, Mr. Villepin, were not entirely unhappy about the rioting, at least in its first stage, since it was a blow to their political rival within the conservative camp, the minister of the interior, Nicolas Sarkozy.
The temptation to sack Mr. Sarkozy - as a token of appeasement - may have loomed over them for several days at least. Moreover, Messrs. Chirac and Villepin have built their political identity on a Gaullist pro-Arab and pro-Islamic stand that became fully apparent three years ago, when France distanced itself from America in respect of Iraq. They may expect to harvest a large "immigrant vote" in the coming presidential and parliamentary elections, in 2007, and be reluctant to jeopardize it by taking an aggressive law and order line now.
Still, more factors may have played as well. The government may have been genuinely surprised and intimidated. It is one thing to know in theory that France has undergone major ethnic changes over the past 30 years and another thing altogether to confront a mass ethnic insurgency. The figures are inescapable. There are about 60 million inhabitants in continental France, plus 2 million citizens in the overseas territories (essentially the French West Indies and La Reunion island in the Indian Ocean). About 20 million, most of them white and Christian, are over 50.
Out of the remaining 40 million or so, 10 million or so belong to the ethnic minorities: Muslim North Africans, Muslim Turks or Near Easterners, Muslim Black Africans, Christian West Indian, African or Reunionese blacks. When one regards to the youngest age brackets, the proportion is even larger. It is estimated that 35% of all French inhabitants under 20, and 50% of all inhabitants in the major urban centers, belong to the ethnic minorities. Islam alone may claim respectively 30% and 45%. Since war is essentially the business of youths, the combatant ratio in any ethnic war may thus be one to one.
Which brings us to a second question: How ethnic is the present violence in France? Liberal commentators, both in France and abroad, tend to say that poverty and unemployment, rather than race or religion, are the driving force behind the riots. Mr. Villepin himself tends to share this view, at least in part. He said yesterday on TV that he is earmarking enormous credits for housing rehabilitation, education, and state-supported jobs in the areas where the unrest has developed. But the fact remains that only ethnic youths are rioting, that most of them explicitly pledge allegiance to Islam and such Muslim heroes as Osama bin Laden, that the Islamic motto - Allahu Akbar - is usually their war cry, and that they submit only to archconservative or radical imams.
The fact also remains, according to many witnesses, that the rioters torch only "white" cars, meaning white owned cars, and spare "Islamic" or "black" ones. One way to discriminate between them is to look for ethnic signs like a sticker with Koranic verses or a picture of the Kaaba in Mekka or a stylized map of Africa. Further evidence of the animating influence in the riots lies with the French rap music to which the perpetrators listen. Such music obsessively describes White France as a sexual prey.
A third and last question is what impact this unprecedented ordeal is likely to have on France and Europe? One would reasonably expect the French government to restore its grip over the country. What matters, however, is the long-term outcome. My guess is that the crisis will not be so easily forgotten or washed away among the "non-ethnic" citizens, including those of alien stock who have fully integrated into the French society as it is. Rejection of Islam and of North African, Black African, and Middle Eastern immigration may increase dramatically. And the prospect of Turkey acceding to the European Union may get even dimmer.

Mr. Gurfinkiel is the editor of Valeurs Actuelles, a Paris-based journal.


Blogger om said...

you know, i'm not sure you'd agree, but i think, after doing a lot of reading, that there's one thing france can learn from that's been an important part of the US system for the past number of years: affirmative action. sometimes known as positive discrimination, affirmitive action is something that's detested by a lot of people in the french elite because it enshrines the fact that inequality is a real problem, and thus institutionalizes counter inequality. this counter inequality might benefit the most excluded youth of france.

Blogger web_loafer said...

Wow, omar, I'll get my dictionary out and try to understand your comment....LOL

I am quite up to date on affirmative action......

Anyone wanting a hand up, will get it from the conservatives....

Anyone wanting a handout, will get it from the liberals....

There is a world of difference.
Liberalism is a Hate Crime.

The liberals of America, are in their own minds they think they do good when they give the lower classes (in their minds, but not in God's mind) a hand out, and a "leave me alone now"
I want to make this clear, Justice Thomas, T. Sowell, Dr. Rice, and many more minority pillars of success.....are hated by the socialists.....

That should tell you something, if you will only think about it.

Blogger James said...

What affirmative action "institutionalizes" is lowered expectations and unachieved potential.

It tells minorities they aren't good enough to compete in any arena with whites so why try to achieve. Just let the government put you where you wanna be without any effort.

It also has a similar effect on whites. After all, why work hard if the government is going to freely GIVE to minorities the things you have to come by honestly through work and effort ?

As for New Orleans, I met a lot of those folks as a volunteer worker. A great deal of them just sat around waiting for the next government handout of food, shelter, etc., everything but work. A lot of others wouldn't take anything from the government except a job (some pretty menial) and a wage.

The difference was in those who were brought up right, -- and those who were brought up by the left.

James @ Right Face!

The rioters are agent-provocateurs of the Al Qaida. And they are terrorists.

What happened in France was another form of terrorist attack master-minded by the Al Qaida cells in France. And they will launch major terrorist attacks in Paris before Christmas.

Forget all the lame duck excuses of poverty and two boys who were killed in an accident.

Blogger Feemus said...

The Socialists are responsible? But the Chirac, a Gaullist conservative, has been in power for a decade. Villepin, Sarkozy are all conservatives. Sarkozy, in particular is despised by the Socialists and the French equivalent of the New Left alike.

Blogger web_loafer said...

Take a bag full of French, shake it up and reach in and grab one. Irregardless of what they call them selves, you would come up with a socialist. There is only degrees of socialism. None are freedoms friend, and that is too bad, but true. The liberal, progressive or conservative labels don't translate. A few elitist run the show, and the peasants have no say.

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