Saturday, October 08, 2005
Growing Old is Getting Old.....

What’s a Senior Citizen to Do?

MY eyes are bad, that is why I'm in the Vision Center at Wal-Mart trying to get a new pair of glasses. I've been wearing glasses for over 50 years and I go through the same thing everytime I want a new pair of glasses. There in the Vision Center, the clerk points to the wall with the rows and rows of frames, and asks "Do you see anything you like?"
I see a pair that I may like, so I take off my glasses and put on the frames and THEN WHAT? I look at the mirrored wall, but it is useless, I am blind without glasses.
How am I supposed to know how the glasses look on me, if I can’t see anything with the empty frames? This is probably why these critters ended up with such dorky frames to their new lenses. These are too cute to not post....enjoy.


Blogger saurav said...

nice cute pictures...

Hey I've blogrolled you...hope you dont mind...

Blogger web_loafer said...

Mind? Not a bit. Just visited your blog and spent a little time there. Left a comment there also. Battling at Blog Explosion, is fun, but it all goes so quickly, I have to go back later to read more of the blogs that got my attention.
Have a funny one to share. Earlier this evening I accepted a challenge in a 100 credit battle, thinking it was a 10 credit battle. I surfed away from the battle and was tweaking my blog, even adding somethings to the template. It usually takes 20 to 30 minutes to get a battle finished, upon returning to BE..BofB's, I noticed I had lost a 100 credit battle.
What is so funny????I was working on a blog article about poor eyesight. I must learn braille...LOL

Blogger Angie said...

I love all those images! So cute. That first one cracked me up! :)

Blogger PopLuck Girl said...

Great blog, especially for an almost retired guy. Retired folks have a reputation for not knowing about computers, but you have a handle on it - the pictures are great and so is your sense of humor.

Keep up the good work, I'll check back w// you often.

Blogger Jon said...

I love those cute pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing your view opinion.

Blogger Phred said...

I enjoyed the pics of the dogs..
I really hate to say anything , but... that one with the kerchief and pink sunglasses is a breed I cannot name ... ??

Blogger web_loafer said...

phred, I looked it up in my Mother Jones encyclopedia.....that little darling is a
In fact the encyclopedia went on, if one of these canines shows up at a BarMitzfa, or Ramamamamamadan event, that event is cursed. Oh well, I have heard that somewhere in a secret puppymill in IOWA, millions of these canines are being prepared to fight for America, against

Blogger Phred said...

Maybe if we put one geterdonewiller and one naked woman on every commercial flight in the US, there would be less skyjackings ??
Anyway - I heard that somewhere.

Blogger Angela's Designs said...

Cute pics here!

Blogger web_loafer said...

Hey friend,

I had a one on one with a genuine, real geterdonewiller today.
More on this later....but did you know? dogs may sometimes have little bellypacks??
Strange, this geterdonewiller had a little belly pack with a copy of the constitution in it, yellowed with age, and just a few notes in the margins written by Jefferson......
I am sure you know all about this.

Blogger Phred said...

Did you check the constitution for '' hidden'' messages - on the back ??

Blogger Phred said...

Sorry bout that, the Constitution should have had a capital'' C''.

saw the deer post earlier; not there anymore. I feel your pain. my thoughts are with you brother

peaceful paths
merge together
. . . teardrops flow

Blogger AubreyJ......... said...

Keep them coming WL!!!

Blogger web_loafer said...

Thanks Shane, and I have noticed that you are doing good at BE. I told you it would only be a matter of time until more people started appreciating your talent.

Blogger WendyWings said...

These pictures are adorable my four year old loved them too.


Thanks for the comments.
Bradley ( ezinewriter ) was gracious and generous enough to design my banner and logo. I merely mentioned my bla-se design in the shoutbox and low and behold in my email appeared an unexpected surprise. PureMood frequently offers assistance in the shoutbox too.

I wish my talents crossed over into the banner/logo world, but alas they end at the haiga. But if you would like a photo artistically altered - I'd be happy to do so and perhaps someone could advance that into a banner concept.



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