Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Unsolicited Advice to the Democratic Party of America

Sometimes you just have to let a person drown.

One of the saddest occurrences I have read about in recent years is the unfortunate drowning of a local father and son. Both were swimming in a nearby lake, when for some unknown reason the young son started floundering and began calling for help. The father swam to his son and tried to help. The young son was physically as large as his father and in the panic of moment, the son grabbed onto his father so tightly that instead of helping save the son, both drowned and there was nothing the witnesses could do for them.

I know how frightening it is to be drowning. When I was still in high school I almost became a victim of drowning. While swimming some distance from the shore in Lake Tenkiller, of Oklahoma, I got a cramp (Charlie horse) in one leg followed quickly by a cramp in the other leg Those classmates swimming close to me, thought I was joking when I went under, came back up and then cried out for help. When I went back under for the second time, quick action by some of my classmates helped save me. I let them pull me to safety.

The Democratic Party of America is drowning. Look at the facts people, don’t quit reading simply because you don’t like the truth. In 1992, America elected Bill Clinton as president. Along with the White House, there was a majority for the Democrat Party in the Senate, and House of Representatives. I believe the number of Governors was close to equally split between Republicans and Democrats. Bill Clinton did not receive a majority of the votes cast, because there were three candidates for president in that race.

In a little over a dozen years the Democrats no longer control the Senate, House or Presidency. There are also more Republican Governors, and more states with a Republican controlled House and Senate. I contend the Democratic Party is drowning. Because I am an old Democrat who is now a Republican, I don’t expect my help is wanted, but I hate to see the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy drowning. But I cannot help myself I must tell all good Democrats that this situation will remain the same, or grow worse until you look at yourself, and see yourself as the majority of America does. Liberal nut cases control the Democrat Party today, and like it or not, Howard Dean, Ted Kennedy or Hillary Clinton do not inspire the hard working voters of America.

There is no doubt that President Bill Clinton was popular throughout the 1990’s in his own party, all of the media and in many countries of the world. He chose not to build on that popularity, but the media still treated Bill as a popstar. This worshiplike treatment of Bill Clinton was part of the undoing of the Democrat party. I personally liked Bill in a lot of ways, but not as president.

I am not going to offer much advice to Democrats since I don’t want the present Democratic Party defending my country in this dangerous time of war. You are on your own, but I will leave you with the name of a candidate that could have easily beaten George W. Bush in 2004, but was treated like a pharaoh in his own party. If this candidate had been chosen along with a moderate Democrat, I would have voted Democratic. This is not a stretch of my imagination, it is the gospel truth. Instead of choosing two of the most liberal senators in the Senate for candidates, if Zel Miller had been the presidential candidate, George W. Bush would have joined the long list of one term presidents.


Blogger Jay said...

Well...the Republicans don't really control an overwhelming majority, nor command large election returns.

My thoughts are that the two parties have basically become the same and that people realize there is little difference. What with the current war that shall no longer be called a war, the impending financial disasters, fuel price rises, and yet more weekly scandals showing a government out of touch and out of control....I doubt that Republicans will maintain their slim majority. I have even more doubts that Democrats will make any difference when it is their turn again.

Blogger Thomas L. Knapp said...

Not a big Kerry fan myself -- when you get right down to it, he probably wouldn't have been much better than Bush.

However, I would like to share with you some words from someone who is (or at least was) a big John Kerry fan:

It is good to be back in Georgia and to be with you. I have been coming to these dinners since the 1950s, and have missed very few.

I'm proud to be Georgia's junior senator and I'm honored to serve with Max Cleland, who is as loved and respected as anyone in that body. One of our very highest priorities must be to make sure this man is re-elected in 2002 so he can continue to serve this state and nation.

I continue to be impressed with all that Governor Barnes and Lieutenant Governor Taylor and the Speaker and the General Assembly are getting done over at the Gold Dome. Georgia is fortunate to have this kind of leadership.

My job tonight is an easy one: to present to you one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders – and a good friend.

He was once a lieutenant governor – but he didn't stay in that office 16 years, like someone else I know. It just took two years before the people of Massachusetts moved him into the United States Senate in 1984.

In his 16 years in the Senate, John Kerry has fought against government waste and worked hard to bring some accountability to Washington.

Early in his Senate career in 1986, John signed on to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Bill, and he fought for balanced budgets before it was considered politically correct for Democrats to do so.

John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment. Business Week magazine named him one of the top pro-technology legislators and made him a member of its "Digital Dozen."

John was re-elected in 1990 and again in 1996 – when he defeated popular Republican Governor William Weld in the most closely watched Senate race in the country.

John is a graduate of Yale University and was a gunboat officer in the Navy. He received a Silver Star, Bronze Star and three awards of the Purple Heart for combat duty in Vietnam. He later co-founded the Vietnam Veterans of America.

He is married to Teresa Heinz and they have two daughters.

As many of you know, I have great affection – some might say an obsession – for my two Labrador retrievers, Gus and Woodrow. It turns out John is a fellow dog lover, too, and he better be. His German Shepherd, Kim, is about to have puppies. And I just want him to know... Gus and Woodrow had nothing to do with that.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Senator John Kerry.

- Zell Miller, March 1, 2001


Blogger AubreyJ......... said...

How 9-11 changed things....

Blogger web_loafer said...

Interesting information Thomas, and it doesn't surprize me, that Zel also talks out of both sides of his mouth. This is one reason I love the internet and don't bother with the news. And I am glad that no politician can make a speech and hope that no one will ever hear what he or she said. I love it. Thanks for the heads up, I guess I won't be joining the Zel in 2008 bandwagon.

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