Thursday, July 07, 2005
For once would you listen to what G.W. said?
"The contrast between what we've seen on the TV screens here, what's taken place in London and what's taking place here is incredibly vivid to me. On the one hand, we have people here who are working to alleviate poverty, to help rid the world of the pandemic of AIDS, working on ways to have a clean environment. And on the other hand, you've got people killing innocent people. And the contrast couldn't be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill -- those who have got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of innocent folks."
President George W. Bush 07/07/05
Go ahead make fun of his syntax or verbiage, while blood is flowing in the streets of London, England.


Blogger Thomas L. Knapp said...

"On the one hand, we have people here who are stealing from some people to give to others, throwing other people's money at Africa, working out new ways to keep people from using their own property lest they 'harm the environment.' And on the other hand, you've got people killing innocent people, just like we've been doing a much larger scale for more than two years now in Iraq. And the contrast couldn't be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of you who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those like us who kill -- those who have got such evil in their heart that they will take the lives of innocent folks."

Yeah, I'm listening.

Blogger Thomas L. Knapp said...


I just beat you in Battle of the Blogs, 12 to 3. That skewed of a result strikes me as highly unlikely (you beat me awhile ago), and moreover, it happened in something like two minutes when most of the battles are taking 15-30 minutes.

I suspect fraud, and I apologize. Whoever did it (and however they did it), I had nothing to do with it.

Tom Knapp

Blogger web_loafer said...

Thomas, I don't put too much stock in a poll of a few people with fast internet. I read your blog, and I know that the cautious person you are, will dig deep for the facts. And even though you may look from a different perspective, you are an asset to your country, both for serving in uniform, and trying (geez we all try) to sift through the emotionalism to find the real enemy. I know it ain't Bush. How many bombs has GW put on buses or subways today?
I would never want you to stop seeking, but it appears that soon the enemy will be here. Then what?

Blogger web_loafer said...

Yes Jes, no politically correct war has been won. The A bomb was not politically correct.
Never has the world been in this much danger, with so few people caring.
Wide awake your jaundiced eyes, and for once think it out, will it be politics or survival???
Thanks Jes

Blogger (S)wine said...

good entry, however...AIDS is not a pandemic. Not by far.

Blogger web_loafer said...

lx Robotnik, yes you are correct, the word pandemic is not the way to describe AID's in Africa. It could very well become just that if nothing is done to the problem. I am proud that the USA is helping, but a president should have helped tackle the problem the world long before G.W.

Blogger web_loafer said...

I am probably driving Thomas bananas with my poor spelling and lack of proofreading. If you don't visit the blog he writes, you are missing a unique and honest voice. It is amazing how even people with disagreements can appreciate each other.

Follow his daily blog, you'll enjoy it. If I knew how to include links in a comment I would do so now. You can find it easily enough, just check his profile from one of his comments here and you will see what I am talking about.

But back to the subject of my last posted comment. The comment should have ended with this sentence.

But former president's should have helped tackle the problem of AID's a long time before G.W.

Blogger Fred said...

The qoute was a lie spoken by the man who is a liar.

Blogger Vulture 6 said...

Thomas, You just don't get it. THEY E
will kill you just because you are not Muslim. Bottem Line.

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