Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Never been to Kansas

Do you think the traitor from Massachusetts is liked in Kansas? Let’s talk about subliminal messages. Here is a classic example of a photographic subliminal message.

This picture of the nations most laughed at Sinator, is framed in an almost perfect rectangle, and it most certainly is a subliminal message to the voters of Kansas. The right upper corner of the rectangle looks like Andrew Jackson took a bite out of it. Now think about a map of Kansas….yes Kansas…and you’ll see, that there is a little corner of the state that also looks like Andrew Jackson took a bite out of it. In geographical terms it would be the North Eastern corner of Kansas. I live within 10 miles of that irregular boundary for a state, around here we call it the Missouri River. To make this short and sweet, neither Massachusetts Sinator would be listened too, respected or talked to by many citizens of Kansas. Sinator Kennedy and Kerry are two of the most arrogant boobs in America, and you only have to listen to what they say to know they would not be welcomed in Kansas.

Oh yes, maybe a few liberal professors from the cesspool of Kansas University Academia would swoon over either of the bigots of Massachusetts, but us farmers, truck drivers and factory workers wouldn't walk across the street to listen to the most pompous separated at birth twins from Massachusetts. You see, Ted, is a Kennedy, but John F. Kerry is a genuine imitator of a Kennedy, Yes I know he claims he is the next John F. Kennedy, but let me be clear about this....Hey John Kerry, I knew John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and you are not worthy to tie the shoes of his Wax Museum portrayal......go suck some more sour grapes Mr. Arrogance. Neither Massachusetts Sinator is welcome here. My suggestion, hate America buffoons……move to Cuba.

John F Kerry is a turncoat, traitor, and he is not welcome in Kansas. The MSM’s (mean spirited media) refusal to condemn Kerry for his hateful diatribe against our wonderful warriors, won't fly....we know he hates America, and has lied about our military for decades now.........HE IS SCUM,

Everyone of the brave men and women of America that Senator Scary is calling stupid.....has many, many relatives that heard the traitor from MA......call our wonderful warriors stupid, uneducated, unmotivated and.....well listen to the arrogant Sinotors speech.


KERRY IS TOAST. I AIN'T GONNA DO IT, DON'T KNOW ANYONE WHO WOULD DO IT, BUT IT NEEDS TO BE DONE. OXYGEN IS SCARCE...AS THE GREEN GOREMONKEY'S TELL US, OXYOGEN IS SCARCE, The scumbag Kerry, doesn’t' deserve to breathe the same air as the mother and fathers, sisters and brother, nephews and nieces, wife’s or husbands of the ones who have given all....so we can be free.

Kerry doesn't know America........he is America's enemy, and we know it.

Friday, October 27, 2006
Slip of the Tongue
Politicians often make stupid verbal mistakes!
But could you, my friend, guarantee me that if you were running for an office of the USofA Senate, you would never have a slip of the tongue? These Senatorial campaigns are at the least, 4 months of speeches, conversations and press conferences...can you guarantee me you would never misspeak? To be quite frank, there are many times that I say something that I immediately know will be misunderstood....a misspeak. Since I am a nobody truck driver, I get away with it, no one is hurt, no damage done, It happens. It is but trivial speak. Yes, If you followed me around for four months and recorded everything I said, you could find something some people wouldn't like and most people wouldn't understand. One more thing.....would you like to have TV, Radio and Newsprint people following you everywhere you went, recording everything you did or said for the next four months?

I don't know how the candidates do it, every word they say in the battle for a posh government job is recorded, scrutinized, and the opposition will find something that was said or done, that they can twist into more votes for them.

Hey, this is going on in both camps of the political scene. Repubbers and Demoscats both have people scrutinizing every word the opponent has said.....publicly on record, and even from people who knew them when they were wild, crazy and young.....Yes, every word scrutinized in all of his or her life. One good example of this behavior is the press making a big deal out of the fine Senator of Virginia saying one word that you never heard, is in no dictionary, and was but a tongue tangling. OK boys and girls, let's all say it...Macaca?

Now all of this is fair in politics I guess, but what if a candidate for the USof A Senate wrote repugnant, deviate, sexually perverted scenes into FICTION novels that he sold by the thousands? Books are planned speech...not a slip of the tongue. This will never be pointed out by the MSM...(mean spirited media) but Senator George Allen’s opponent James Webb, has published many books with pedophiles as characters....and in his description of them, he almost glorifies pedophilia. He also demeans womanhood, and uses his writing skills to shock with perversion.......I doubt many young people read here at Sanity's Bluff, so I will take the chance to leave three links to address the subject of Mr. Webb's filthy mind. It is filthy, ungodly and just to write such trash should weigh heavily on the voters of Virginia, but the MSM, (mean spirited media) will not touch this, and even as we speak....Google and Co. is busy denying links to any reference of this perverts books.
There is a difference....a slip of the tongue is a slip, but a published book is a planned conversation, with many people proofreading it before it is offered for sale. Senator George Allen mangled the English language and a big deal was made.....it was NATIONAL NEWS FOR OVER A WEEK. Then Senator Allen was accused of using the N word 30 years ago, with no collaboration, and many denials by the Senator, and other members of the football teams he was a part of. OK, all is fair in war and politics.I have warned you about the filthy mind and filthy record James Webb has woven. James has written many books, all with a troubling background noise of wife beating, child raping, pedophilia and other sleaze. A mind that thinks like Mr. Webb's is not a mind worthy of the United States of America's Senate.And I have a feeling, the internet, blogs and talk radio will get the word out to the voters.



Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Children

Yes, there is a storm coming.
A storm like you’ve never been through…..

So you think the citizens of our beautiful gulf coast states, know storms? As in, Katrina? Let's talk about storms.
A storm is being planned for America that will dwarf the storm of 9/11/01, hurricane Katrina, or both of those storms combined. Will we allow it to happen, will we let up in the war against the islamafacists?
Yes, the storm I’m talking about can be stopped before it ravishes our fair land. You know exactly what I am talking about. You may have tried to discount it, forget it, or rationalize a reason to ignore it, but it is real....it is as real as the videos of a pervert of islam hacking the head off of a bound and humiliated man, (THEY FILMED IT. They probably had a hollywood producer such as cling eastwud involved in the movie making.) who died because he was not a muslim.
The mullahs and imams of islam, have been telling us for years that they will destroy America and Israel.
We shrug it off, for we are busy people, and there just isn’t enough hours in the day to watch all the madonna filth, hollywood perversion, ted kennedy debauchery, sport bloppers, entertainment tonight or NASCAR…..and have time left for tomorrow.

Ignoring a problem has never made the problem go away, but still, we are leaving the problem of terrorism for our children and grandchildren to solve.
You see, we can’t fix the problem in a one hour sitcom timeframe, so we ignore the problem, for we demand instant fixes to any problem. We are impatient. Our impatience may doom us, for, the enemy is patient, and fulfills its stated goals.

Think now, in 1993, (yes I know it was the first year of the Clinton years) the WTC was attacked. But the truck packed with explosives was parked in the wrong spot by the nervous terrorists, So..the World Trade Center survived for a few more years, (Actually hundreds of millions of dollars of damage occured, many deaths and hundreds of injuries that day.) We know the rest of the story.
Yes, we slept on, but the islamafacists didn’t sleep, they will not accept defeat. We are unwilling to do what is necessary to win…
So what will tomorrow bring?
You know the threats,
What are you doing to thwart them?

Voting for cut and run demoscats? Or planning to stay home election day to teach the Republicans a lesson?
Now that makes sense doesn’t it, turn our nation’s defense and security over to nancy pelosi , barney frank and ted (hic..hicc) kennedy?

Can you fathom a world without America or Israel?
If reality doesn't move you to action,
How about this cliché?

What about the children?
The children of the world are praying that America and Israel can stamp out this Islamic terror. Our sons and daughters are already mentally terrorized by the media. Day in and day out our journalists, teleprompter readers and debauched movie stars are sending the children of the world the message…..we are the problem. They say we must change to survive. They say lets talk to the ones who want us dead or enslaved. They have not said a nice thing about a man who history will have many good things to say about, IF WE SURVIVE. Yes john Murtha might as well be our childrens history teacher, ted kennedy our childrens driver’s ed teacher, barney frank our childrens sex education class teacher, john kerry our secretary of peace, or any of the other clowns I call demoscats…when the going gets tough, there are no demoscats around.

There should be a constitutional amendment to declare that no demoscat could talk within 1,000 feet of a child. The pornmasters, perversion loving, tax supported perverts should be kept away from children, but it won’t happen. And mark foley was a stealth democrat, planted long ago by demoscat money mongers such as g.sorros, pornslingers and perverts.
We are not the problem, we are only the ones who are not doing much to solve the problem.
Do you think Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House of Representatives is the answer? If so, you deserve the fate in store for the weak, greedy and perverted.

I am praying for the children of the world, not just the USofA, the world. They don’t need islam, they need Jesus Christ the Saviour.
The children of Islam are miserable, and have no future. If the rest of the world doesn’t stand up and fight for the children, the mullahs and imams will win, and they will mutilate and humiliate the females, and send the young boys off with strapon bombs.

Religion of Peace?
If you think so,
Please move to iran

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Let's talk about twins

Picture from this website
All of these photo's were taken before 2001

Couldn't Resist
Friday, October 20, 2006
Pumpkin Politics
If I was a pumpkin, what kind of face would I want carved into my skin? If the GOP (Gay ole Parti) gets to the big dance, but stays too long, will we have a pumpkin as large as a HUMMER? Maybe Arnold McDonald can help us all with that hard question...anyway... here is the face I would want carved. It says everything about the upcoming election. The way I look at it, ALL AMERICAN'S lose, no matter how we vote. America is toast. Oh, that's another subject.

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock.
Will Rogers
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Identical Twins, Separated at Birth

A picture of two reunited twin sisters who were separated at birth. Nancy Pelosi and Cindy Sheehan are finally reunited for this historic picture. Even though it was a happy affair, the millionaire congresswoman would not share any of her botox or makeup with her sister, and did not provide taxi fare for her sister who is unemployed. This is one of many reasons you never hear the words, compassionate liberal.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Buffalo for Supper!

One puzzle that may never be solved to my satisfaction, is this one!
Who hands out the words ‘world famous’? I would like to find out, so that Sanity’s Bluff could become ‘world famous’.

Here is a picture of a world famous Dad and Mom.

How peaceful, beautiful and comforting. A world famous buffalo family, relaxing in the only place the buffalo ever roamed…..America. Buffalo are famous worldwide in a strange sense…..everyone says white Europeans settlers to America, killed the buffalo off, yet they are still here in America in abundance. What gives? Either they are gone as Buffy Sainte’ Marie sings, or they are here.

Even if Buffy St. Marie is right, and the buffalo are gone, I have not met many liberal whacko’s who wished the return of rumbling , overpooping and flatulating buffalo in their neighborhood. But as you can see, they still are here, and let me tell you about that. Can it be that the buffalo can finally relax in America?

No one from the tofu munching (how in the world do you munch tofu?) leftist, hate America crowd, would argue that this picture of buffalo tongues hung out to dry in the Montana high desert is a good thing.

GOOD, but let me remind you that one of the most revered president’s of America (F.D.R.) loved Buffalo tongue, and beaverskin hats.

Yes, even now in the 21st century, some people remember and still love FDR, (who I respect as a president at least in the top 40 of the presidents of the USofA) yet even the most honest socialists of today will not acknowledge FDR’s love of beaver skin hats and buffalo tongue.

The reason I asked is this, I was surfing through a bio of America’s largest land owner, Ted Turner, and there I found links to a restaurant chain he is involved with financially….called Ted’s Montana Grill….blah blah blah.

Here is a compassion man, one who is repopulating some of the Great American Prairie, with bison……great, I could get behind that effort.

But is it an honest effort?

As Ted Turncoat amasses land like there is no one else who needs 40 acres, He is getting even more filthy in his riches by selling the next generation of the buffalo, slaughtered for his restaurant, yes, so he benefits….what about the young bison who loses a mother or father to Ted’s appetite for riches, his obsession with wealth for Ted, screw the buffalo.

Here is the braggadocio of braggadocios.



Oh, yes, he may give a few billion dollars to the UN, but he gets a kickback on that pseudo charity, called the UN. Mr. Ted has not a charitable bone in his body, he is pure evil, in an America that deserves better. Even my liberal friends…..you deserve a better spokesman than the buffalo slaughtering BILLIONAIRE, Ted Turncoater.

But if you are blind to reality, go ahead, pluck down a lot of bucks to enjoy your second class meal, and absolutely poor service at one of Ted’s Buffalo Recycling Restaurants.

But here is a tip…..courtesy of webloafer.

Never leave worship service Sunday, and go to one of Ted’s Bison Burger Joints.

You will be treated like trash, the servers will smurk at a person dressed up on the Lord’s Day. It is like all the servers are robots of Ted. I dare you, go waste some money at the Kill the Buffalo Restaurant nearest you, and start talking about how communism is evil, and especially the rich communist, when a server is closeby, and they will glare at you in a way, that tells you…..don’t eat anymore food that this Ted Turner Robot brings…..

If you could have been there, when a group from my church, dared to show up decently clothed, polite and speaking the Queen’s language, at TBS (Ted’s Buffalo Slaughtering) Grill, you would see what you have never experienced, Hatred, just because you are an American Christian.

The service was terrible, the food awful and the tally of the bill was wrong, overcharged for slop, the bill was wrong, really wrong.

Ted and company don’t like America, or Christians…..so here is an idea that could help America……..

Never spend a dime in a Ted’s Montana Bison Slaughtering Restaurant, and demand your cable provider…..refund the portion of your bill it is charging you for CNN.

I could make jokes about a person so ugly they drove Jane Fonda away….but I won’t, you know I’m correct in this.

Ted, take your riches somewhere else, you hate America….and yet we know where your buffalo slaughtering concerns are.

Get out of America Ted, NOW.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Everything Changes
I will be adding future blog articles to the beta, then better blogservice of Google. You all know I am a fan of Google, so here we go.....Hopefully this link works already. Don't worry the new blog will be sassy, and classy. GIVE IT A TRY

Friday, October 06, 2006
Something to Ponder
One of the most recognizable landmarks of yesterday

One of the most widely read books of all time is “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."
Written in 1788 by Edward Gibbon, it sets forth five basic reasons why that great civilization withered and died. These were:

1) The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home, which is the basis for human society.
2) Higher and higher taxes; the spending of public money for free bread and circuses for the populace.
(3 The mad craze for pleasure, sports becoming every year more exciting, more brutal, more immoral.
(4 The building of great armaments when the real enemy was within – the decay of individual responsibility.
(5 The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, losing power to guide the people.

The oft-heard warning that history repeats itself” has an ominous meaning in the light of the above.

Please tell me which of these 5 causes of Rome's fall is missing from today's American culture and society?
Ronald Reagan Robs Bank in San Diego

According to an article in the September 21, 2006 San Diego-Union Tribune, a bank robber suspect dubbed the ‘Bumbling Bandit’ was arrested on August 29th. Earlier that month on August 12th it is alleged that this hapless bandit, robbed a Bank of America in the San Diego suburb of Grantsville, California.

According to witnesses, the BB (bungling bandit) entered the bank lobby with a gun, his face covered with a Ronald Reagan mask and wearing a long cape.

After banishing the gun, BB was given money, but that was about the only thing that went right that day. Running away from the robbery scene, BB had trouble seeing clearly out of the eyeholes of the Ronald Reagan mask, and his handgun got tangled up in his cape, and down he went…..in the bank lobby. Oh, that was not the end of this caper (pun intended).

BB managed to make it to his get-away car, an SUV parked near the bank, but he found that the SUV was blocked front and rear by delivery vehicles, so he had to smash his way out of the parking space. Inching his way back and forth he finally managed to plow his way back to the roadway. It was about this time that the red dye in the bandits’ money bag went off forcing him to abandon his SUV. The police found the SUV with the mask he had used, a gun and a $50 bill.

Maybe, you think, good ole boy BB learned his lesson about parking get away cars. Guess again, BB still has problems in selecting parking places, in fact his lack of selecting parking space, is the reason he was captured. BB was arrested on the campus of UCSD because he parked in a parking spot reserved for the university faculty. Evidence found in his car linked him to the Grantville bungled bank robbery. And his DNA matched that of DNA on the mask he left in the SUV. Yes BB, needs education, and I don’t think anyone will ever mistake him for a faculty member of a university. A Ronald Reagan mask? Long cape? Thought you’d enjoy this one.

Updated blog article, maybe my last.
Boy Scouts,VSThose scouting for boys.

The dnc, moveon.orgy and the msm, (mean spirited media) are, in concert, using a homosexual in an attempt to bring the republican juggernaut down. They may or may not succeed. If only I knew who will win this battle…..if the democRAT’s win, I am cashing in my 401’s to buy bullets and gold. I’m serious, it will only take 18 months for a democRATic congress to destroy this booming economy and embolden our nations enemies..

How fate twists the path of we the doomed humans, as we try to manage God’s creation, even as some deny His existence. It isn’t fate, we are God’s, we think we are smart, and can create life….clone….embryonic stem cell or any of the other plans our scientists have…….God will not allow a human to be born without a soul………THINK……….so we are close to the end. To spit in God’s face like Missouri will soon do when they pass the human egg marketplace bill………is not wise, and shortens my days upon this planet. Polls suggest that 2 out of 3 voters in Missouri will vote to allow marketing in human eggs. Oh they tell us that there will be no cloning of human embryos,

Oh I’m so tired of this battle,
“Come quickly Lord Jesus,

Maran atha is an Aramaic (Syriac) phrase occurring once only in the New Testament. It is transliterated into Greek letters rather than translated, and is found at the end of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians (I Cor 16:22) as a farewell. It means "the Lord has come", or "the Lord will come", or more likely "Come, Lord!" There is a strong similarity here to the final words of the Book of Revelation: "Amen; come, Lord Jesus" (Rev 22:20) which may very likely have also originally been in Aramaic.

Until then… I only want to work a few more years, save a little money and retire, in the first wave of baby boomers. I don’t want to think about who is gay or straight in congress, the senate or the white house,
I just want this dysfunctional government to get it’s act together and protect me and my family, kill the terrorists, and get rid of the illegal’s (lawbreaker’s) amongst us, and build a wall between our not so friendly neighbors and we the people. Is that too much to ask………..?First of all, I feel like I need a long long shower, a cup of Starbucks, an Advil and more time to sort through the volumes of disinformation and information about the sordid mark foley story. This is a battle folks, a battle between right and wrong, and you know it. The msm has constantly ridiculed the Republican Party and its voters, for being a gang of homophobes, bigots and ignorant rednecks. Now they are imitating that false template........Now, a republican congressman, a powerful one who once crossed swords with the clinton political machine, is outed (ousted) in a most disgraceful way. He is being vilified for being gay, and in congress. If he was a Democrat there would be no issue here. More importantly to me is the question……What was the crime he committed?The waters are so muddied, who really knows what is or isn’t. The emails that were saved by some, and released 40 days before an election, are nothing more than the emails one would expect a gay boy scout troop leader to send to former boy scouts in his troop. There is nothing sexual about them, unless you want to add meanings between the lines.

I am sure mark foley did not spend day and night obsessed with young boys, he did his job very well, but was a flawed man. Hey, democRAT, pick up a stone, and before you throw it at foley, turn around and look at your own house. The House of Barney Franks, Stubbs, Kennedy, Pelosi, and *********** ********* ***********!

The above unnamed DemocRAT Senator, a homosexual will be outed by me on my blog here,…..on Saturday the 21st of October 2006, at 2 o’clock PM, EST.

And it is a high ranking DemocRAT SENATOR. Yes, a DemocRAT in the Senate, in a leadership role, who is not too favorable to the homosexual agenda, (BUT is a Senator from a very conservative state, who needs to come out of the closet and face the voters) ((It just occurred to me that I don’t know if this closet homosexual is up for reelection)) (((Developing)))Now a question to the two, maybe three men reading this blog article......You are driving near a hot teenager hangout spot and a 14 year old girl is strutting down the sidewalk, bursting out of her skimpy coverings.......putting on an obscene show. You happen to look over at the car next to you and the driver is an older woman, (probably a schoolteacher) and she is losing it. Since it is a nice fall day, all of the windows of everyone's cars are down, you hear the older woman exclaim to her female passenger...."Ohhhhh, look at that fresh meat......wow......I would love to tongue" (you can imagine the rest of the scenario).1. Should you get the license plate number of the car and call the local police?2. Should you try to get the speaker of the House of Representatives on the phone, and tell him?3. Should you call George Soros and tell him that the car had a GWBush in 2004 sticker on the bumper?4. Should you call the F.B.I.? They are surely not too busy fighting terrorism to take the time to investigate this republican perverts life, phone calls, emails and instant messages. It's not like the schoolteacher is a terrorist, so you can tape her phone, and read her emails....she is a republican.OK, the emails were not criminal.....no more criminal than a man whistling at a teenager at a high school bus stop. Distasteful, revealing, and revolting, but not criminal.Now the Instant Messages are a different matter, they were vile, vulgar, and if they had been exchanged between a congressman and a minor, that would be criminal in my mind.But was the other person typing out instant messages with Foley a minor? And one fact to remember......IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO INSTANT MESSAGE, If I remember correctly, there is an ignore feature of IM. It has been years since I have used IM, and things may be different, but I think
MS Instant Messenger asks the user if they want to save a record of the conversation, and give you options to block anyone from the messaging service. What if Bill Gates has a complete log of every instant message ever made? Just a thought? There are emerging facts that prove the person engaged in cybersex with the congressman was in fact 18, and will soon be exposed as a political hack. No, As far as I can tell it was not a crime to IM a former page who was 18. Distasteful, perverted and ungodly, but, nothing illegal. If, in fact the person the pervert from Florida instant messaged was a minor, and Foley knew that fact, Foley should be prosecuted along with democRATs who knew about this and waited until election time to go public with it.So we know for sure Foley sent friendly emails to former pages.Anything more than that is the political slime, scum and filth that we don’t know how to deal with. I mean, we punish the Boy Scouts of America because they prohibit homosexual’s from becoming troop leaders…..I mean this is America…….so let’s treat congressman Foley with the Democratic Template……….What’s the problem?These same scumbags of media want your children to accept homosexualality as just another lifestyle…..they promote the gay agenda and rail against those who dare to point out that God created Man, and Woman…..different and given the DIVINE order to procreate as male and female in the blessed realm of Holy Matrimony.We all know about Adam and Eve, but the same angel of darkness that deceived Eve, and Adam….is still at work. I call Satan a sore loser, he knows his future, and he wants as many humans as possible to share his fate………eternal separation from God. Don’t worry atheists, God will not torment you after you take your last God Given Breath…..He will simply turn you over to complete control of Godlessness. A human without contact with the One who created Him or Her..........is......well.........it is hell. Yes….GOD created you, and gave you everything you need to become a child in His family. No my atheist friend, you will not miss God in Hell………you will be without God…….and without hope of ever living forever with God. I am so excited...it is apparent that this blue marble in God's creation is about to come to an abrupt end, as a thief in the night.....when you least expect it.......it's over.......there will be NO MORE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE ETERNALLY WITH GOD AFTER THE TRUMP SOUNDS AND THE EARTH MELTS WITH A FERVENT HEAT. God spoke it, I believe it. This earth will be destroyed, not by global warming, pollution, wars or nuclear bombs......It will only last as long as God's grace is available. No atheist, God won't torment you when you die, you simply will not be able to spend eternity with God and the Blood washed congregation of the saints. The path to God will be closed. Don't listen to the preachers in Italian silk suits that tell you there will be a second chance, or that God will set up a kingdom on this sin sick earth. It won't happen, so get to the Bible, read what God has said, not what the millionaire millenniumists tell you.
Godless atheist, there is a hell, and you are practiced up for your life there….for you deny the existence of God, so enjoy eternity. Do you think the other stupid people in hell will listen to your claim that there is no God, then…..? Think it out.OK, back to Mark Foley… then the devil told the lust seekers that the egress valve God made for the removal of toxic wastes from a human is in fact something beautiful, and a place for life to be spilled in drunken debauchery. Men, if you think God created you with the ability to spill sperm, that seek a human egg……and doesn’t care if you spill those seeds in the waste removal area……you ain’t very smart. In fact you are stupider than the redneck in the pickup with the gun rack.Yes HomoFoley is stupid about God, and life, and even more ignorant about his enemies. His enemies were not the straight as an arrow Midwesterners with gun racks in their pickups. Time will show that Congressman Foley was ousted by the gay activists in concert with the socialists of the democRATic party.For years now the DNC has had records and actual cyber knowledge of instant messages of Congressman Foley’s peccadilloes. And remember, he may have wanted to marry one of the young boys someday, when they became of legal age. See, like, marks secret life as a homosexual could have paid off, if the vote on a same sex marriage bill ever came up tied.

And super blog sleuths….since we know this is all a very old plan, put into practice now, please research who the democRATs are running in the now certain to be democRATic congressional seat…..in Florida. There should be tidbits here and there to prove this is a george soros plot……..GET HIM>>>>YES. (yes the same people that rail against the government wanting to know what terrorists ((that want me and you dead,))are up too, and say we should not use wiretapping or internet snooping, even if we know the person on the phone or chat room is a terrorist, are enjoying the results of illegal wiretapping and cyber snooping to hurt a Republican who dared to be homosexual, and Republican…like I said, foley would never have been ousted if he had only have been a republican.If you read the newspapers, (who does) or watch ABC (or any of the other joined at birth perpetrators of the news, for personal gain, and admiration crowd) listen to air america or get email updates from moveonus.org, you will know Mark Foley is a pervert, a child molester and probably had something to do with the bringing down of the World Trade Center Buildings.The truth is available……….of course it is on the blogosphere, and we know that at any given time of the day there are ten to twenty times more bloggers searching for truth, than there are dirty deal makers….as in dan rather, CBS,ABC,NBC and FOX.I published this blog article, but didn't have the time to double, triple check the syntax, spelling orSoo, ifen ya hav aa prolimb wid da speling, dicktion ore sorcuis's, emale mee.

"Whoops, we played the race card one too many times........"

That is what the sickos in Virginia are saying. You know who I'm talking about, the sickos who are not worthy of even visiting a graveyard of America's hero's.....for they won't fight for America, and make money selling our nations secrets, and make money writing hate America articles for the yellow rags of george soros, and ted turner, those sickos should be shot if they attempt to visit the burial place of Americas heroes....SHOT DEAD (some scum don't deserve to breathe the delicious air of America......(for this is the greatest of the great societies, and the filthy liberals are trying to rewrite history even as it is happening……..The liberal scum are saying America is bad, bad, and worse.
I am telling you they are right, it is only because we don’t kill our idiots, we let them become college professors with tenure……….

That will change………I guarantee you that, our school system will recover from the perverts of democracy………the privileged who hated what they never fought for, and don’t deserve………..about 46% of the teachers of America…….don’t deserve to live here, breathe here or visit our nations libraries.

Oh I love the good teachers, but most of the good teachers of today, are teaching in home schools. No, not the tutors who make big bucks to teach the children of hollywood stars…I’m talking about Mothers and Fathers who love their children….know there is a God, and will not allow their loved ones to be subject to the Devils Educational System……..THE NEA…….and willing dupes of Satan. You cannot bring to me a school book our nations youth are taught from that says a nice thing about God or America. But you can learn that homosexual debauchery is great, and anyone who believes God, is a bigot, and worthy of death…..don’t argue…..it is there in the schoolbooks of America……….a hatred for America in the very school books.

The ones who made this nation great, learned to read, or read a lot of God’s Word.

Go ahead enjoy Satan’s earthy wealth……you’ll enjoy it for a season……but then you will meet your creator.

.most of which are buried in the wonderful state of Virginia.

But my friend, Virginia's friend and AMERICAS friend George Allen will spank the idiot who hates Virginia and America.

No let up..........the scum will not win, we will take democracies spoon and rid America from the scum......you know the scum that rises from democracy........

Because democracy and liberalism don't mix...just like oil and water don't mix....we have to scoop the filthty, perverted, ungodly, egomanical lazy frauds......scoop them up and splatter France or other weienee nations with a new bunch of scum....they love it, let them swim in perversion, ungodliness and laziness.




A BILLIONAIRE COMMUNIST...(who stole all of his wealth, didn't ever invent anything, produce anything....Georgie Sorrows just cheated his way into wealth, leaving many honest people dead in his rise to, his rise to what.......

George Soros has bitten off more than he can ever chew.....he wants America......He won't get it....even if his power slut gets elected in 2008, he won't win, and I wish a long painful death tho the one who has killed so many with impunity, and is allowed to influence my nations politics............

Dah, what part of America does gEORGE sOROS not understand???

Payday, murdering thief of europe, now trying to influence my nation.

We will bury your sorry carcass in the graveyard of America's Enemies....

Plan on it being true....pervert Soro's.

We don't need none of your blood money in our nation.

You think you could ever be loved by those that love America? Not a chance, so enjoy your last days with the likes of cindy shithamm, fancie pelosi, and mark what's his name....follicles.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Boy Scouts? Or, Scouting for Boys?
Boy Scouts,
Those scouting for boys.

The dnc, moveon.orgy and the msm, (mean spirted media) are, in concert, using a homosexual in an attempt to bring the republican juggernaut down. They may or may not succeed. If only I knew who will win this battle…..if the dem’s win, I am cashing in my 401’s to buy bullets and gold. I’m serious, it will only take 18 months for a democratic congress to destroy this booming economy and embolden our nations enemies.. How weird, I only want to work a few more years, save a little money and retire, in the first wave of baby boomers. I don’t want to think about who is gay or straight in congress, the senate or the white house,

I just want this dysfunctional government to get it’s act together and protect me and my family, kill the terrorists, and get rid of the illegal’s (lawbreaker’s) amongst us, and build a wall between our not so friendly neighbors and we the people. Is that too much to ask………..?

First of all, I feel like I need a long long shower, a cup of Starbucks, an Advil and more time to sort through the volumes of disinformation and information about the sordid mark foley story. This is a battle folks, a battle between right and wrong, and you know it. The msm has constantly ridiculed the Republican Party and its voters, for being a gang of homophobes, bigots and ignorant rednecks. Now they are imitating that false template........

Now, a republican congressman, a powerful one who once crossed swords with the clinton political machine, is outed (ousted) in a most disgraceful way. He is being vilified for being gay, and in congress. If he was a Democrat there would be no issue here. More importantly to me is the question……What was the crime he committed?

The waters are so muddied, who really knows what is or isn’t. The emails that were saved by some, and released 40 days before an election, are nothing more than the emails one would expect a gay boy scout troop leader to send to former boy scouts in his troop. There is nothing sexual about them, unless you want to add meanings between the lines. I am sure mark foley did not spend day and night obsessed with young boys, he did his job very well, but was a flawed man.

Now a question to the two, maybe three men reading this blog article......
You are driving near a hot teen spot and a 14 year old girl is strutting down the sidewalk, bursting out of her skimpy coverings.......putting on an obscence show. You happen to look over at the car next to you and the driver is an older woman, (probably a schoolteacher) and she is losing it. Since it is a nice fall day, all of the windows of everyone's cars are down, you hear the older woman exclaim to her female passenger...."Ohhhhh, look at that fresh meat......wow......I would love to tongue" (you can imagine the rest of the scenerio).

1. Should you get the license plate number of the car and call the local police?
2. Should you try to get the speaker of the House of Representatives on the phone, and tell him?
3. Should you call George Soros and tell him that the car had a GWBush in 2004 sticker on the bumper?
4. Should you call the F.B.I.? They are surely not too busy fighting terrorism to take the time to investigate this republican perverts life, phone calls, emails and instant messages. It's not like the schoolteacher is a terrrorist, so you can tape her phone, and read her emails....she is a republican.

OK, the emails were not criminal.....no more criminal than a man whistling at a teenager at a high school busstop. Distasteful, revealing, and revolting, but not criminal.

Now the Instant Messages are a different matter, they were vile, vulgar, and if they had been exchanged between a congressman and a minor, that would be criminal in my mind.

But was the other person typing out instant messages with Foley a minor? And one fact to remember......IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO INSTANT MESSAGE, If I remember correctly, there is an ignore feature of IM. It has been years since I have used IM, and things may be different, but the MS Instant Messenger ask you if you wanted to save a record of the conversation, and gave you options to block anyone from the messaging service. What if Bill Gates has a complete log of every instant message ever made? Just a thought? There are emerging facts that prove the person engaged in cybersex with the congressman was in fact 18, and will soon be exposed as a political hack. No, As far as I can tell it was not a crime to IM a former page who was 18. Distasteful, perverted and ungodly, but, nothing illegal.

If, in fact the person the pervert from Florida instant messaged was a minor, and Foley knew that fact, Foley should be prosecuted along with democRATs who knew about this and waited until election time to go public with it.

So we know for sure Foley sent friendly emails to former pages.

Anything more than that is the political slime, scum and filth that we don’t know how to deal with. I mean, we punish the Boy Scouts of America because they prohibit homosexual’s from becoming troop leaders…..I mean this is America…….so let’s treat congressman Foley with the Democratic Template……….What’s the problem?

These same scumbags of media want your children to accept homosexualality as just another lifestyle…..they promote gay agendas, and rail against those who dare to point out that God created Man, and Woman…..different and given the divine order to procreate as male and female in the blessed realm of Holy Matrimony.

We all know about Adam and Eve, but the same angel of darkness that deceived Eve, and Adam….is still at work. I call Satan a sore loser, he knows his future, and he wants as many humans as possible to share his fate………eternal separation from God.

Don’t worry atheists, God will not torment you after you take your last God Given Breath…..He will simply turn you over to complete control of Godlessness. A human without contact with the One who created Him or Her..........is......well.........it is hell. Yes….GOD created you, and gave you everything you need to become a child in His family. No my atheist friend, you will not miss God in Hell………you will be without God…….and without hope of ever living forever with God. I am so excited...it is apparent that this blue marble in God's creation is about to come to an abrupt end, as a theif in the night.....when you least expect it.......it's over.......there will be NO MORE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE ETERNALLY WITH GOD AFTER THE TRUMP SOUNDS AND THE EARTH MELTS WITH A FERVENT HEAT. God spoke it, I believe it. This earth will be destroyed, not by global warming, pollution, wars or nuclear bombs......It will only last as long as God's grace is available. No athesist, God won't torment you when you die, you simply will not be able to spend eternity with God and the Blood washed congregation of the saints. The path to God will be closed. Don't listen to the preachers in italian silk suits that tell you there will be a second chance, or that God will set up a kingdom on this sin sick earth. It won't happen, so get to the Bible, read what God has said, not the millionaire milleniumist
s tell you.
That is hell, and you are practiced up for your life hereafter….for you deny the existence of God, so enjoy eternity.

OK, back to Mark Foley… then the devil told the lust seekers that the egress valve God made for the removal of toxic wastes from a human is in fact something beautiful, and a place for life to be spilled in drunken debauchery. Men, if you think God created you with the ability to spill sperm, that seek a human egg……and doesn’t care if you spill those seeds in the waste removal area……you ain’t very smart. In fact you are stupider than the redneck in the pickup with the gun rack.

Yes HomoFoley is stupid about God, and life, and even more ignorant about his enemies. His enemies were not the straight as an arrow Midwesterners with gun racks in their pickups. Time will show that Congressman Foley was ousted by the gay activists in concert with the socialists of the democRATic party.

For years now the DNC has had records and actual cyber knowledge of instant messages of Congressman Foley’s peccadilloes. And remember, he may have been wanting to marry one of the young boys someday, when they became of legal age.

YES. (yes the same people that rail against the government wanting to know what terrorists ((that want me and you dead,))

are up too, and say we should not use wiretapping or internet snooping, even if we know the person on the phone or chatroom is a terrorist, are enjoying the results of illegal wiretapping and cybersnooping to hurt a Republican who dared to be homosexual, and Republican…like I said, foley would never have been ousted if he had only have been a republican.

If you read the newspapers, (who does) or watch ABC (or any of the other joined at birth perpetrators of the news, for personal gain, and admiration crowd) listen to air america or get email updates from moveonus.org, you will know Mark Foley is a pervert, a child molester and probably had something to do with the bringing down of the World Trade Center Buildings.
The truth is available……….of course it is on the blogosphere, and we know that at any given time of the day there are ten to twenty times more bloggers searching for truth, than there are dirty deedmakers….as in dan rather, CBS,ABC,NBC and FOX.

Here is one link, and one link only to the truth about this sordid affair.

I published this blog article, but didn't have the time to double, triple check the syntax, spelling or

Soo, ifen ya hav aa prolimb wid da speling, dicktion ore sorcuis's, emale mee.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Haven of Hypocrisy
That would be the Democratic Party, 2006

There is not much doubt about it, the Dem’s have pulled one off. They are famous for last minute smears and dirty tricks. The Republicans look like amateurs in the ring with killers. They don’t stand a chance to retain the House of Representatives, the people’s house…..how ironic….is this what the people really want?
Higher taxes, a collapse of the greatest economy I can remember, and the humiliation of our brave soldiers. The next speaker of the House will be the strange one from San Francisco. The typical uneducated voter will go to the voting booth to punish the Republicans, and America will get a taste of socialism that may, MAY bring us back to our senses. Nancy Pelolsi, third in line for the presidency. If that doesn’t scare you, nothing will. Trust me, I’ll be praying for the president and vice-presidents safety and good health from Jan 2007 on.

Your children will be given a steady diet of socialism and perversion in the public schools, the fairness doctrine will be introduced, your taxes will go up, way up, and our brave men and women in uniform will be disgraced. The papers and newschannels will be one big impeach Bush campaign. And he will probably give up in his effort to help the USofA by helping the world.

The media/government establishment will have complete control of you, your money, your future and family. But the commies from San Fran will not touch the sport or entertainment complex….so enjoy your slavery. No no, don’t get up off of your couch, the NFL, NBA and NASCAR will be there to entertain you, at least for awhile. When the battle against terrorists comes to your neighborhood, you may be too busy bowing to Allah to watch much TV.


In the next two years, Botox will become scarce, with Kerry and Pelosi needing so much to face the public.

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